Estaciones de Recarga y Aparcamiento para Vehículos de Movilidad Personal en tu Empresa
El uso de vehículos de movilidad personal (VMP), como bicicletas eléctricas y patinetes, está transformando el transporte urbano y la manera en que los trabajadores se desplazan hacia sus empleos. En entornos laborales, adoptar esta tendencia no solo fomenta una movilidad más sostenible, sino que también mejora la calidad de vida de los empleados al ofrecer opciones de transporte limpio y eficiente. Para las empresas, integrar estaciones de carga y aparcamiento para VMP ya no es opcional: es un paso estratégico dentro de los planes de movilidad sostenible. Estas infraestructuras no solo optimizan la seguridad y el orden en el entorno laboral, sino que también refuerzan el compromiso con la innovación y el medio ambiente. ¿Qué son las estaciones de recarga para vehículos de movilidad personal? Las estaciones de carga para vehículos de movilidad personal son infraestructuras especialmente diseñadas para proporcionar puntos seguros donde los trabajadores puedan aparcar y recargar sus VMP. Estas estaciones destacan por integrar soluciones avanzadas que optimizan su funcionalidad y sostenibilidad. La función principal de estas estaciones es proporcionar energía limpia para recargar bicicletas eléctricas, patinetes y otros vehículos de movilidad personal, al mismo tiempo que ofrecen un espacio seguro y ordenado para estacionarlos, reduciendo riesgos y evitando desorganización en el lugar de trabajo. Estaciones convencionales vs. soluciones innovadoras Mientras que las estaciones convencionales suelen limitarse a funcionalidades básicas, soluciones como las de Solum incorporan tecnología de vanguardia, como paneles solares, diseño ergonómico y sistemas avanzados de seguridad, optimizando su utilidad y contribución a la sostenibilidad. Ventajas de las estaciones de recarga para trabajadores y empresas Las estaciones de recarga ofrecen múltiples beneficios que impactan directamente en la rutina de quienes utilizan vehículos de movilidad personal. A continuación, destacamos las ventajas clave para los trabajadores: Para las empresas, estas estaciones representan ventajas estratégicas como las siguientes: Beneficios sostenibles de integrar estaciones de recarga para VMP Incorporar estaciones de carga para vehículos de movilidad personal en un entorno laboral contribuye significativamente al cumplimiento de un plan de movilidad sostenible para empresas. Iniciativas públicas que fomentan el uso de VMP Los gobiernos están jugando un papel crucial en la adopción de vehículos de movilidad personal mediante la creación de carriles exclusivos, la implementación de políticas de incentivos fiscales y la promoción de campañas educativas. Estas medidas buscan facilitar el uso de patinetes y bicicletas eléctricas, fomentando una movilidad más limpia y eficiente. En España, el programa MOVES III, gestionado por el Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), ofrece ayudas económicas para la compra de vehículos eléctricos y la instalación de infraestructuras de recarga. Este programa no solo incentiva a particulares, sino también a empresas, permitiendo que organizaciones que colaboran con soluciones como las estaciones de Solum puedan beneficiarse de estas ayudas. Estas iniciativas están alineadas con los objetivos de sostenibilidad de la Estrategia de Movilidad Segura, Sostenible y Conectada 2030 del Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, que fomenta una transición hacia modelos de movilidad más responsables y sostenibles. Seguridad para los trabajadores y empresa: una prioridad La seguridad es esencial al implementar estaciones de recarga para vehículos de movilidad personal. Más razones para apostar por los VMP en empresas Además de los beneficios ya mencionados, apostar por los vehículos de movilidad personal en el entorno laboral puede: Cómo implementar un plan de movilidad sostenible con estaciones de carga para VMP Pasos clave: Caso de éxito: Estación Mapfre En septiembre de 2024, Mapfre, una de las principales aseguradoras en España, dio un paso importante hacia la movilidad sostenible en su sede de Mallorca al colaborar con Solum para instalar una estación de carga para patinetes y bicicletas eléctricas. Esta decisión surgió como respuesta al creciente número de vehículos de movilidad personal (VMP) que se estacionaban de manera desordenada en las instalaciones, generando incomodidades tanto para los empleados como para los visitantes. Con la instalación de la estación de recarga, Mapfre ha logrado ofrecer a sus trabajadores un lugar seguro y funcional para estacionar y recargar sus patinetes y bicicletas eléctricas. Este cambio no solo garantiza la protección de los vehículos contra robos y daños, sino que también optimiza el uso de los espacios comunes del edificio, liberándolos y manteniéndolos ordenados. Este caso de éxito demuestra cómo soluciones innovadoras, como las estaciones de carga de Solum, pueden resolver desafíos diarios en el entorno laboral, beneficiando tanto a los empleados como al espacio corporativo. Desde su implementación, las estaciones registraron más de 200 recargas en un mes, demostrando la efectividad de esta solución. Adoptar estaciones de recarga para vehículos de movilidad personal no solo mejora la movilidad en el entorno laboral, sino que también refuerza el compromiso de las empresas con la sostenibilidad y la innovación. Solum y Ciclogreen trabajan juntos como aliados estratégicos, ofreciendo soluciones que integran seguridad, eficiencia y diseño sostenible para impulsar una movilidad más limpia y responsable en las empresas. Incorporar estas estaciones en tu empresa es una inversión que beneficia tanto a los trabajadores como al medio ambiente,desde Solum, impulsamos una movilidad urbana más limpia y responsable. ¿Cómo crees que la movilidad sostenible podría mejorar en tu entorno laboral? Comparte tu opinión o cuéntanos qué ideas tienes para fomentar el uso de vehículos de movilidad personal en tu día a día. ¡Queremos leerte!
¿Cómo cargar un coche eléctrico con placas solares?
Con el aumento de la conciencia ambiental y el avance de las tecnologías sostenibles, cada vez más personas optan por cargar su coche eléctrico utilizando placas solares. Esta combinación no solo maximiza los beneficios de la movilidad eléctrica, sino que también permite aprovechar una fuente de energía limpia y renovable. En este artículo, te explicamos cómo un sistema fotovoltaico puede proporcionar la energía necesaria para tu vehículo, ayudándote a reducir costes, disminuir tu dependencia de la red eléctrica y contribuir activamente a la sostenibilidad. Cargar un coche eléctrico con placas solares Cada vez más personas optan por los coches eléctricos como una alternativa ecológica y económica frente a los vehículos tradicionales. Sin embargo, cargar un coche eléctrico con placas solares es la clave para maximizar los beneficios medioambientales y reducir aún más el coste de la energía. En este artículo, te explicaremos cómo la instalación de placas solares en tu hogar o empresa puede ofrecer una fuente de energía limpia y renovable para tu vehículo, contribuyendo a un futuro más verde y eficiente, y como tú instalación de cargador de coche eléctrico se puede beneficiar de esta energía renovable. ¿Cómo se carga un coche con placas solares? Cargar un coche eléctrico con placas solares es una opción eficiente y sostenible que aprovecha la energía renovable. El proceso comienza con la instalación de un sistema fotovoltaico en el hogar o empresa, que transforma la luz solar en electricidad mediante el efecto fotovoltaico. Una de las preguntas más comunes es: ¿se puede cargar un coche eléctrico con placas solares? La respuesta es sí. Esta energía generada se puede utilizar directamente para cargar el vehículo a través de un punto de recarga conectado a la red eléctrica. Además, si se dispone de baterías de almacenamiento, es posible cargar el coche incluso en momentos sin sol, como por la noche o en días nublados. El uso de placas solares para cargar un coche eléctrico ofrece un importante ahorro a largo plazo, ya que un sistema adecuado puede cubrir gran parte de las necesidades energéticas del vehículo, reduciendo la dependencia de la red eléctrica y los costes de recarga. Además de ser una opción económica, también contribuye a la reducción de la huella de carbono. Instalar un sistema de placas solares es una excelente manera de maximizar los beneficios de la movilidad eléctrica, aprovechando una fuente de energía limpia y abundante como el sol. ¿Cuánto tardará en cargarse el coche con placas? El tiempo de carga de un coche eléctrico utilizando placas solares depende de varios factores clave, como la capacidad del sistema fotovoltaico, el tamaño de la batería del vehículo y las condiciones solares del lugar donde te encuentres. Además, la calidad de la instalación del cargador de coche eléctrico es fundamental para garantizar una carga eficiente y rápida. Aquí te explicamos los principales factores para tener en cuenta: ¿Cuántas placas necesito para cargar el coche? El número de placas solares que necesitas para cargar un coche eléctrico depende principalmente de la capacidad de la batería del vehículo y de la potencia de los paneles instalados. A continuación, te explicamos los factores clave que influyen en esta estimación: Ventajas de cargar el coche eléctrico con placas solares Cargar un coche eléctrico con placas solares no solo es una opción ecológica, sino que también ofrece numerosas ventajas tanto a nivel económico como en términos de sostenibilidad. Aquí te detallamos los principales beneficios: La compañía emovili, especialista en la instalación de puntos de recarga y paneles solares, como partner de Solum, ofrece soluciones integrales que optimizan el proceso de carga con energía solar, brindando a los usuarios un acceso eficiente y económico a esta tecnología. Si buscas información detallada sobre cómo mejorar la sostenibilidad y aprovechar al máximo la movilidad eléctrica, te invitamos a visitar nuestra web o blog, donde encontrarás contenido especializado sobre movilidad eléctrica y sostenibilidad.
Can you enter a hospital with a scooter?
Can you enter a hospital with a scooter? Today, we are going to address a frequently asked question: Can you enter a hospital with a scooter? The use of electric scooters is increasingly widespread in society. They are convenient, agile, help us avoid traffic jams, and spare us the hassle of finding parking. However, despite their growing popularity, many questions remain about their proper use At Solum, we take pride not only in being pioneers in the development of sustainable technologies but also in providing answers to questions related to urban and mobility topics. Since our founding in 2019, we have been committed to creating innovative solutions to make cities more efficient and sustainable. Regulations and Policies First of all, reviewing local regulations in public spaces and analyzing hospital policies regarding scooter entry are essential for understanding and improving mobility in urban and healthcare environments. Personal Mobility Vehicles Also known as PMVs, these include electric scooters. PMVs are vehicles with one or more wheels designed for a single user, powered exclusively by electric motors, and capable of reaching speeds between 6 and 25 km/h. Each municipality can regulate PMV use, such as electric scooters, specifically, though all users must comply with minimum conditions. Therefore, it is essential to be familiar with basic regulations before using such vehicles to ensure safe urban mobility. The prohibition of riding on sidewalks, pedestrian zones, and other restricted areas is a common rule. Authorized paths will be indicated by municipal ordinances. In the absence of such ordinances, riding on any urban roadway is allowed. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, PMV speeds must range between 6 and 25 km/h. It is essential to know and adhere to these regulations to promote safe mobility in accordance with established rules. Thanks to these measures, we have seen a reduction in fatalities over the past three years, compared to 2020, when eight deaths were recorded involving PMVs—seven in urban areas and one in interurban areas where their use is prohibited. According to the Spanish Directorate-General for Traffic (DGT), this figure is now one person in both urban and interurban areas. Technical Requirements for Vehicles The DGT has developed a Manual of Specifications for personal mobility vehicles. After its publication and a 24-month period, all PMVs must carry a circulation certificate to ensure minimum safety requirements. PMVs must be equipped with a braking system, an acoustic warning device (bell), and lights and reflective devices both front and rear. Furthermore, wearing a helmet is recommended, even if the municipal ordinance does not mandate it, and having liability insurance is advised. Complying with these guidelines significantly contributes to ensuring the safety of both users and pedestrians in urban environments. Additionally, regular maintenance of electric scooters and periodic checks of their components are crucial. Violations and Associated Penalties Failure to comply with these requirements or regulations may result in various consequences: Can You Enter a Hospital with a Scooter? In general, entering hospitals with scooters is allowed, but this may vary depending on the specific hospital. Some hospitals may have policies that prohibit or restrict the use of scooters within their facilities. Above all, common sense is essential. Scooter users are encouraged to be considerate and respectful of patients and hospital staff. It is important to avoid using scooters in crowded areas or places where they could pose risks or disruptions. Users may be asked to park their scooters in designated areas. If the hospital has specific policies regarding scooter use, each user must adhere to these rules. Policies may include leaving the scooter in a locker before entering the hospital or parking it in designated spaces. This trend is becoming increasingly common in cities. For example, Solum provides sustainable, secure, and convenient charging solutions. Parking for PMVs at Hospitals The use of electric scooters is transforming how people navigate cities. With the increasing number of PMV users, more facilities are being built to accommodate these vehicles, encouraging those who opt for this sustainable mode of transportation. Many institutions, both public and private, are adapting their facilities to accommodate electric scooters and other PMVs. As a result, parking for PMVs is now common in shopping centers, workplaces, and other venues. Solum: A Solution for Parking Scooters at Medical Centers To promote sustainable mobility, Solum is a Spanish tech company created with the goal of maximizing available urban space to generate renewable energy. As the use of electric scooters has grown, so has the need for safe and convenient parking options. Solum addresses this need with its PMV parking facilities, where users can park and charge their scooters using solar-powered flooring. Currently, Solum has implemented several notable projects in Spain and beyond, including charging solutions at shopping malls, universities, and potentially, in the near future, hospitals. More hospitals and medical centers are adapting to this new reality, aiming to facilitate mobility and encourage electric scooter use—whether for patients or even hospital staff. Advantages Offered by Solum Cities are transforming, PMVs are the future, and the future is already here. If you want to learn more about us, visit our website or check out our blog, where we discuss the latest developments in sustainable mobility.
10 Advantages of Using an Electric Bicycle
Electric bicycles, also known as e-bikes, are a type of bicycle that is becoming increasingly popular as a means of transportation in many cities. Do you want to know why this is happening? In this post, we will show you some benefits of using an electric bike so that you too can be encouraged to enjoy one or make the most of the one you already have. Let’s get started! Discover the advantages of the electric bicycle Before we begin, you should know that these advantages are listed without following any specific criteria. Go ahead! 1. It is a type of sustainable mobility The main characteristic of this type of transportation is that it has an integrated electric motor. In other words, it does not emit any type of polluting gas during its operation. Therefore, one of the advantages of using an electric bicycle is that you would not be contributing to global warming and would be helping the environment. 2. The convenient use of the electric bicycle The effort required when pedaling is much less than that of a conventional bicycle. This way, you can cover long distances and climb slopes with ease. Ideal for both urban commutes and longer trips. You can now start thinking about your next excursion with your electric bike! 3. Keeps You Healthy Another way you can benefit from using the electric bike regularly is by staying fit. Although its motor helps reduce effort, you still have the opportunity to maintain physical activity and improve your cardiovascular health. Sorry, you can’t escape pedaling… but you’ll feel much better! 4. You Save Money in the Long Run Some people hesitate to choose this type of transportation because they think it’s a significant investment. However, when compared to other forms of transportation, it can actually mean significant savings in the long run. Hear that? It’s your wallet getting excited reading about this advantage… and that’s because the maintenance costs are low, and you don’t have to worry about the price of charging or parking if you use areas like those offered by Solum. 5. The use of electric bicycles will improve traffic By choosing this type of mobility over a car, you help reduce traffic and lower the likelihood of congestions that disrupt daily life. This, in turn, contributes to improving the flow of traffic in your city and also reduces the air pollution from its residents. 6. Perfect for Any Plan Don’t limit yourself to your everyday commutes. Go out and live an adventure! One of the advantages of electric bicycles is that they are suitable for road trips and even off-road paths. This way, make the most of your bike by exploring different terrains and enjoying various plans. 7. Increased Safety When Using an Electric Bicycle Are you afraid something might happen while riding your electric bicycle? Don’t worry, they come equipped with LED lighting systems, reflectors, and quality brakes. Additionally, their motor allows for a consistent speed. Therefore, you’ll have sufficient visibility while also being able to remain visible and predictable to other drivers. 8. Easy Parking for Your Electric Bicycle Another advantage of using an electric bicycle is that you won’t have to worry about parking space, as they occupy much less space than cars. Are you familiar with Solum’s charging stations? If you leave your bike in their parking areas, you can charge your bicycle while ensuring it is in a safe place. 9. Experience Greater Mental Well-being What everyone wants in their life! Look no further, using an electric bicycle has a strong impact on mental well-being. If you ride a bike regularly, you’ll experience a greater sense of freedom, reduce stress, and enhance your mood. Moreover, you may foster your connection with nature and enjoy your city from a different perspective. 10. The Electric Bicycle Offers Flexible Use As mentioned earlier, thanks to electric assistance, you can go anywhere with minimal effort. But what if one day you want to break a bit more of a sweat? Many models have the option to switch to manual mode, so you can exercise without any issues. Adapt your electric bicycle to your needs and preferences. Done! These are 10 advantages that you can enjoy through the use of an electric bicycle. What do you think? We would love to hear your opinion in the comments. Do you want to know more about electric bicycles? Today, an increasing number of people recognize the benefits of electric bicycles and are opting to use them as a regular means of transportation. This trend is further encouraged by charging platforms such as those provided by Solum, which facilitate their usage and promote this efficient, sustainable, and healthy form of transportation. We hope you consider incorporating the use of electric bicycles into your life. Now that we’ve explained the advantages, there are no more excuses!
Differences Between a Solar Charging Station and Lockers for Electric Scooters
In the world of urban mobility, electric scooters are rapidly gaining popularity. With this growing demand, the need for infrastructures like lockers for electric scooters or solar charging stations has emerged to facilitate their use and charging. Have you ever wondered about the differences between charging your scooter at a solar charging point versus lockers for electric scooters? Keep reading this post as we explain the key differences. How Does a Solar Charging Station for Scooters Work? As its name suggests, the solar charger uses and harnesses sunlight to generate electrical energy. Solar panels capture sunlight to charge scooters in a simple and efficient way. What about overcharging? Voltage and current are regulated by a charge controller before transferring to the scooter. These panels are part of the Helios charging stations developed by Solum. It’s a 100% sustainable way to charge your scooter, serving both for parking and recharging. Through our Arena flooring, which features photovoltaic cells integrated into tiles, solar energy can be generated. This flooring is pedestrian-friendly, non-slip, and has self-healing properties for superficial damage. What Are the Advantages of a Solar Charging Station for Scooters? Here are some benefits of solar energy and solar chargers: How Do Lockers for Electric Scooters Work? Lockers for electric scooters are a parking system that provides a closed space for scooters, as their name implies. Additionally, some lockers for electric scooters come equipped with added security measures, such as electronic locks or surveillance systems, to protect scooters from theft or damage. Their function is similar to that of a parking station for scooters, but lockers differ in that they are fully enclosed, while parking stations are partially open. One major advantage is the security they provide, as they use password systems. Inside, besides storing a folded scooter, users can leave other items and even charge their mobile phones. Lockers vs. Parking for Scooters Both lockers and parking areas for electric scooters are designated spaces for securely storing and charging these personal mobility devices. Similarities Between Lockers and Parking for Scooters: The biggest advantage of both solutions lies in the security they offer. At Solum, we ensure protection through smart locks to prevent theft or damage to electric scooters. This focus on security provides peace of mind to users, ensuring their devices are safe when not in use. Both lockers and parking spaces for Solum scooters operate through mobile apps, enabling convenient parking management. From our app, users can access features like checking station availability across the city and reserving parking spaces in advance. This planning capability ensures there is always a safe and convenient place to leave electric scooters, offering users both comfort and security Differences Between Lockers and Parking for Scooters: A key difference between lockers for electric scooters and Solum parking stations lies in the charging method used. While lockers typically use electric charging systems, our scooter parking stations integrate solar charging, eliminating reliance on non-renewable energy sources. This distinction offers a more sustainable and environmentally friendly solution, reducing the carbon footprint associated with charging electric scooters, as mentioned earlier in this article. At Solum, we’ve developed the Helios solar station to promote sustainable mobility and charging. These stations can be found at various city locations, shopping centers, and even across different European cities. Helios offers all the conveniences of lockers for electric scooters, with the added sustainability benefit of solar charging. If you want to learn more about sustainable charging solutions, enjoy staying informed, and frequently read articles about electric scooters, e-bikes, energy-saving tips, and related topics, this is the blog for you. We invite you to subscribe to stay updated on the latest news and tips for a more sustainable life. Don’t hesitate to contact us!