Estaciones de Recarga y Aparcamiento para Vehículos de Movilidad Personal en tu Empresa

El uso de vehículos de movilidad personal (VMP), como bicicletas eléctricas y patinetes, está transformando el transporte urbano y la manera en que los trabajadores se desplazan hacia sus empleos. En entornos laborales, adoptar esta tendencia no solo fomenta una movilidad más sostenible, sino que también mejora la calidad de vida de los empleados al ofrecer opciones de transporte limpio y eficiente. Para las empresas, integrar estaciones de carga y aparcamiento para VMP ya no es opcional: es un paso estratégico dentro de los planes de movilidad sostenible. Estas infraestructuras no solo optimizan la seguridad y el orden en el entorno laboral, sino que también refuerzan el compromiso con la innovación y el medio ambiente. ¿Qué son las estaciones de recarga para vehículos de movilidad personal? Las estaciones de carga para vehículos de movilidad personal son infraestructuras especialmente diseñadas para proporcionar puntos seguros donde los trabajadores puedan aparcar y recargar sus VMP. Estas estaciones destacan por integrar soluciones avanzadas que optimizan su funcionalidad y sostenibilidad. La función principal de estas estaciones es proporcionar energía limpia para recargar bicicletas eléctricas, patinetes y otros vehículos de movilidad personal, al mismo tiempo que ofrecen un espacio seguro y ordenado para estacionarlos, reduciendo riesgos y evitando desorganización en el lugar de trabajo. Estaciones convencionales vs. soluciones innovadoras Mientras que las estaciones convencionales suelen limitarse a funcionalidades básicas, soluciones como las de Solum incorporan tecnología de vanguardia, como paneles solares, diseño ergonómico y sistemas avanzados de seguridad, optimizando su utilidad y contribución a la sostenibilidad. Ventajas de las estaciones de recarga para trabajadores y empresas Las estaciones de recarga ofrecen múltiples beneficios que impactan directamente en la rutina de quienes utilizan vehículos de movilidad personal. A continuación, destacamos las ventajas clave para los trabajadores: Para las empresas, estas estaciones representan ventajas estratégicas como las siguientes:  Beneficios sostenibles de integrar estaciones de recarga para VMP Incorporar estaciones de carga para vehículos de movilidad personal en un entorno laboral contribuye significativamente al cumplimiento de un plan de movilidad sostenible para empresas. Iniciativas públicas que fomentan el uso de VMP Los gobiernos están jugando un papel crucial en la adopción de vehículos de movilidad personal mediante la creación de carriles exclusivos, la implementación de políticas de incentivos fiscales y la promoción de campañas educativas. Estas medidas buscan facilitar el uso de patinetes y bicicletas eléctricas, fomentando una movilidad más limpia y eficiente. En España, el programa MOVES III, gestionado por el Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), ofrece ayudas económicas para la compra de vehículos eléctricos y la instalación de infraestructuras de recarga. Este programa no solo incentiva a particulares, sino también a empresas, permitiendo que organizaciones que colaboran con soluciones como las estaciones de Solum puedan beneficiarse de estas ayudas. Estas iniciativas están alineadas con los objetivos de sostenibilidad de la Estrategia de Movilidad Segura, Sostenible y Conectada 2030 del Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, que fomenta una transición hacia modelos de movilidad más responsables y sostenibles. Seguridad para los trabajadores y empresa: una prioridad La seguridad es esencial al implementar estaciones de recarga para vehículos de movilidad personal. Más razones para apostar por los VMP en empresas Además de los beneficios ya mencionados, apostar por los vehículos de movilidad personal en el entorno laboral puede: Cómo implementar un plan de movilidad sostenible con estaciones de carga para VMP Pasos clave: Caso de éxito: Estación Mapfre En septiembre de 2024, Mapfre, una de las principales aseguradoras en España, dio un paso importante hacia la movilidad sostenible en su sede de Mallorca al colaborar con Solum para instalar una estación de carga para patinetes y bicicletas eléctricas. Esta decisión surgió como respuesta al creciente número de vehículos de movilidad personal (VMP) que se estacionaban de manera desordenada en las instalaciones, generando incomodidades tanto para los empleados como para los visitantes. Con la instalación de la estación de recarga, Mapfre ha logrado ofrecer a sus trabajadores un lugar seguro y funcional para estacionar y recargar sus patinetes y bicicletas eléctricas. Este cambio no solo garantiza la protección de los vehículos contra robos y daños, sino que también optimiza el uso de los espacios comunes del edificio, liberándolos y manteniéndolos ordenados. Este caso de éxito demuestra cómo soluciones innovadoras, como las estaciones de carga de Solum, pueden resolver desafíos diarios en el entorno laboral, beneficiando tanto a los empleados como al espacio corporativo. Desde su implementación, las estaciones registraron más de 200 recargas en un mes, demostrando la efectividad de esta solución. Adoptar estaciones de recarga para vehículos de movilidad personal no solo mejora la movilidad en el entorno laboral, sino que también refuerza el compromiso de las empresas con la sostenibilidad y la innovación. Solum y Ciclogreen trabajan juntos como aliados estratégicos, ofreciendo soluciones que integran seguridad, eficiencia y diseño sostenible para impulsar una movilidad más limpia y responsable en las empresas. Incorporar estas estaciones en tu empresa es una inversión que beneficia tanto a los trabajadores como al medio ambiente,desde Solum, impulsamos una movilidad urbana más limpia y responsable. ¿Cómo crees que la movilidad sostenible podría mejorar en tu entorno laboral? Comparte tu opinión o cuéntanos qué ideas tienes para fomentar el uso de vehículos de movilidad personal en tu día a día. ¡Queremos leerte!

Innovation und Entwicklung haben den nachhaltige Bauen verändert.

construccion sostenible

In den letzten Jahren hat sich Nachhaltige Bauen zu einem immer beliebteren Trend in der Bauindustrie entwickelt. Aber was ist nachhaltiges Bauen genau und wie hat es sich mit Innovation und Entwicklung weiterentwickelt? Was ist nachhaltige Bauen? Nachhaltige Bauen bezieht sich auf eine Bauweise, die die langfristigen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft berücksichtigt. Das bedeutet, dass nicht nur die Energieeffizienz des Gebäudes betrachtet wird, sondern auch die verantwortungsvolle Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen, die Lebensqualität der Bewohner und die Reduzierung von Treibhausgasemissionen. Nachhaltige Bauen setzt auf effizientere und umweltfreundlichere Technologien und Materialien sowie auf innovative Design- und Baupraktiken. Das letztendliche Ziel des nachhaltigen Bauens ist es, Gebäude und Gemeinschaften zu schaffen, die langfristig gesünder, sicherer und nachhaltiger sind Innovation und neue Technologien für nachhaltige Bauen Innovationen und neue Technologien haben bedeutende Fortschritte im Bereich des nachhaltigen Bauens ermöglicht. Hier sind einige der Innovationen, die in der Baubranche stattfinden: – Integrierte Solarpanels Photovoltaik-Solarzellen sind effizienter und zugänglicher geworden, was ihre Integration in Gebäude ermöglicht hat. Es ist nun möglich, Solarpaneele auf Dächern, Fassaden und Fenstern zu installieren, um die Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energie zu maximieren und die Abhängigkeit von nicht erneuerbaren Energiequellen zu verringern. – Photovoltaischer Bodenbelag Eine der herausragendsten Innovationen in diesem Bereich ist der photovoltaische Belag oder Solarboden. Diese Art von Belag ist in der Lage, elektrische Energie aus dem einfallenden Sonnenlicht zu erzeugen und verwandelt städtische Gebiete in Bereiche der erneuerbaren Energieerzeugung Bei Solum haben wir diese Art von Boden entworfen und entwickelt, der in der Lage ist, elektrische Energie aus dem einfallenden Sonnenlicht zu erzeugen. Dadurch wird er zu einer erneuerbaren Energiequelle in städtischen Gebieten. Auf diese Weise werden städtische Gebiete in saubere und erneuerbare Energieproduktionsstätten umgewandelt. – Nachhaltige umweltfreundliche Baustoffe Es werden neue nachhaltige Baustoffe entwickelt, die eine geringere Umweltbelastung haben. Zum Beispiel werden Beton und Zemente mit geringerem Kohlenstoffgehalt sowie recycelte Materialien wie Kunststoff oder Glas verwendet. Die Verwendung erneuerbarer Materialien wie zertifiziertem Holz, Schafwolle, Hanf und anderen trägt zu einer geringeren Kohlenstoffbilanz bei und macht sie langfristig nachhaltiger. – Intelligente Management-Systeme Die Implementierung intelligenter Systeme in Gebäuden ermöglicht eine effizientere Ressourcenkontrolle. Diese Systeme steuern die Beleuchtung, die Klimatisierung und andere Elemente, um den Energieverbrauch zu optimieren und Verschwendung zu reduzieren. – Modulare Bautechnologie Die modulare Bauweise basiert auf der Herstellung vorgefertigter Komponenten in Fabriken und deren anschließender Montage am Bauplatz. Diese Technik reduziert Bauabfälle, verkürzt Bauzeiten und verbessert die Energieeffizienz von Gebäuden. – Sensoren und Echtzeitüberwachung Die in Gebäuden integrierten Sensoren ermöglichen die Echtzeitdatenerfassung zum Energieverbrauch, zur Luftqualität, zur Wassernutzung und anderen Parametern. Dies erleichtert die Identifizierung von Verbesserungsbereichen und datengestützte Entscheidungsfindung zur Maximierung der Nachhaltigkeit. – Energieeffizienztechnologie Es werden effizientere Systeme für die Erzeugung, Verteilung und Nutzung von Energie in Gebäuden entwickelt. Dazu gehören LED-Beleuchtungssysteme, energiesparende Klimatisierungssysteme und Energiemanagementsysteme, die die Nutzung der verfügbaren Ressourcen optimieren. Diese Innovationen und Technologien transformieren die nachhaltige Bauindustrie und ermöglichen die Schaffung von Gebäuden, die sowohl nachhaltiger als auch energieeffizienter sind. Mit der kontinuierlichen Entwicklung und Annahme dieser Lösungen wird erwartet, dass nachhaltiges Bauen zum Standard in der Branche wird, was eine umweltfreundlichere Zukunft fördert und die Lebensqualität der Menschen verbessert. Die Innovation und neue Technologien transformieren die Art und Weise, wie Gebäude und Städte gebaut werden. Der photovoltaische Belag oder Solarboden von Solum ist ein klares Beispiel dafür, wie Technologie eingesetzt werden kann, um nachhaltige und innovative Lösungen zu schaffen, die eine lebenswertere und umweltfreundlichere Zukunft fördern. Nachhaltigkeitszertifikate für Bauwerke Die nachhaltige Bauweise wird auch durch die Einführung von Zertifizierungen wie LEED und BREEAM vorangetrieben. Diese Zertifikate bewerten den Umwelt- und Sozialimpact von Gebäuden und fördern die Umsetzung nachhaltiger Praktiken bei ihrer Konstruktion und Betrieb. LEED und BREEAM sind zwei der weltweit anerkanntesten Zertifizierungen für nachhaltiges Bauen: – LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Es ist ein Bewertungssystem, das vom US Green Building Council (USGBC) entwickelt wurde und die Umweltauswirkungen von Gebäuden bewertet. Das LEED-Zertifikat bewertet verschiedene Aspekte wie Energieeffizienz, Abfallmanagement, Innenraumluftqualität und Auswahl nachhaltiger Materialien, unter anderem. – BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) Es handelt sich um ein Zertifikat britischen Ursprungs, das sich ebenfalls auf die Bewertung der Umwelt- und sozialen Auswirkungen von Gebäuden konzentriert. Neben Energieeffizienz und Auswahl nachhaltiger Materialien bewertet BREEAM auch Aspekte wie Zugänglichkeit, Sicherheit und Gesundheit der Gebäudenutzer. Beide Zertifikate zielen darauf ab, bewährte Praktiken im nachhaltigen Bau und Betrieb von Gebäuden zu fördern, wobei jeder seine eigenen Anforderungen und Zertifizierungsstufen hat. Die Verbreitung dieser Zertifikate nimmt weltweit zu, und sie gelten als Maßstab für Exzellenz im nachhaltigen Bau. Seit Jahren ist Solum sich der Bedeutung von Nachhaltigkeit und der Notwendigkeit der Reduzierung der Umweltbelastung bewusst. Mit unserem Solarboden nutzen wir erneuerbare Energien, um unsere Abhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen nach und nach zu verringern. Die nachhaltige Bauweise ist ein Ansatz, der über einfache Energieeffizienz hinausgeht und sich auf die Schaffung langfristig nachhaltiger Gebäude und Gemeinschaften konzentriert. Bei Solum fördern wir durch Innovation und neue Technologien eine nachhaltigere und lebenswertere Zukunft.

Is it possible to enter the hospital on a scooter?

¿Se puede entrar con patinete al hospital? Today we are going to answer a frequently asked question: is it possible to enter the hospital on a scooter? The use of electric scooters is becoming more and more widespread in society. They are comfortable, agile, they avoid traffic jams and the dreaded moment of finding a parking space, but, despite the fact that they are booming, there are still many unknowns regarding their correct use. At Solum, we pride ourselves not only on pioneering the development of sustainable technologies, but also on providing answers to the questions that arise around urban and mobility issues. Since our founding in 2019, we have been committed to creating innovative solutions to make cities more efficient and sustainable. Standards and Regulations Firstly, the review of local regulations in public spaces and the analysis of hospital policies on the entry of scooters are essential to understand and improve mobility in urban and health care settings. Personal Mobility Vehicles Also known as VMPs, including electric scooters, these are single or multi-wheeled vehicles with a single seat and powered exclusively by electric motors with a maximum design speed of between 6 and 25 km/h. Each municipality can regulate the circulation of MPVs, such as electric scooters, in a specific way, although all users must comply with minimum conditions. It is therefore essential to be aware of the basic regulations before using this type of vehicle to ensure safe urban travel. La prohibición de circular por aceras, zonas peatonales, entre otras áreas, es una norma común, las vías autorizadas estarán indicadas por ordenanzas municipales, y en ausencia de estas, se permite la circulación en cualquier calzada urbana. Además, como hemos mencionado anteriormente, la velocidad de los VMP debe estar comprendida entre 6 y 25 km/h. It is essential to know and respect these regulations to promote safe mobility and in accordance with the established rules, since, thanks to this, we have managed to reduce in 3 years the figures of 2020, when eight deaths were recorded in VMP, seven in urban areas and one in interurban roads, where its use is prohibited. Now, according to the DGT, this figure is 1 person on both urban and interurban roads. Technical requirements of the vehicle The Dirección General de Tráfico, or DGT, has elaborated a Manual of Characteristics for Personal Mobility Vehicles (PMVs). After its publication and after 24 months, all PMVs must have a roadworthiness certificate to ensure minimum safety requirements. It is imperative that VMPs have a braking system, an acoustic warning device (bell) and lights and reflective devices at the front and rear. In addition, the use of helmets is advised, even if the municipal ordinance does not make it compulsory, and liability insurance is recommended. Complying with these guidelines contributes significantly to ensuring the safety of both users and pedestrians in the urban environment. On the other hand, the maintenance of the electric scooter and its regular checking of all its elements. Infringements and associated penalties Failure to comply with any of these requirements or regulations can have a number of consequences: Is it possible to enter the hospital on a scooter? In general, scooters are allowed in hospitals, but this may vary depending on the particular hospital. Some hospitals may have specific policies prohibiting or limiting the use of scooters within their facilities. First and foremost, we need to use common sense, therefore, it is recommended that scooter users be considerate and respectful of patients and hospital staff. It is important to avoid using scooters in crowded areas or where they may cause disruption or danger to others. Scooter users may be asked to move to a specific area to park their scooters. If the hospital has a specific policy on the use of scooters, each user will have to abide by these rules. The rules could be such as leaving the scooter in the locker before entering the hospital or parking our vehicle in the car parks that are enabled for it. The latter is something that is becoming more and more widespread in our cities. This is the case of Solum, which offers sustainable, safe and comfortable charging solutions. VMP parking spaces at the hospital The use of electric scooters is transforming the way people move around our cities. Due to the increase in the number of users of PMVs (personal mobility vehicles), more and more facilities are being built to park these vehicles, thus giving a boost to those people who choose to use this type of sustainable mobility. Many institutions, both public and private, are considering adapting their facilities to accommodate electric scooters and other personal mobility vehicles in view of the rise of this new form of mobility, so it is becoming increasingly common to find VMP car parks in many shopping centres, workplaces, etc. Solum: solution for parking your scooter in medical centres With the aim of promoting sustainable mobility, Solum is a Spanish technology company that emerged from the idea of taking advantage of the maximum available space in cities to generate renewable energy. As the use of electric scooters has become increasingly popular, so has the need for safe and convenient places to park them, which is what Solum offers us with its VMP facilities, where you can park your electric scooter, and in turn recharge it, thanks to its solar floor. Currently, we can talk about several outstanding projects, both in Spain and outside our country, where we can find charging solutions in shopping centres, universities, and why not in the near future in hospitals? There are more and more hospitals and medical centres adapting to this new reality, the aim behind all this is to facilitate travel and continue to accommodate the use of electric scooters, either for people who for some reason have to go to the hospital or even for the workers themselves. Advantages offered by Solum Cities are transforming, VMPs are the future and the future is already here. If you want to know more about

Can you enter a hospital with a scooter?

Can you enter a hospital with a scooter? Today, we are going to address a frequently asked question: Can you enter a hospital with a scooter? The use of electric scooters is increasingly widespread in society. They are convenient, agile, help us avoid traffic jams, and spare us the hassle of finding parking. However, despite their growing popularity, many questions remain about their proper use At Solum, we take pride not only in being pioneers in the development of sustainable technologies but also in providing answers to questions related to urban and mobility topics. Since our founding in 2019, we have been committed to creating innovative solutions to make cities more efficient and sustainable. Regulations and Policies First of all, reviewing local regulations in public spaces and analyzing hospital policies regarding scooter entry are essential for understanding and improving mobility in urban and healthcare environments. Personal Mobility Vehicles Also known as PMVs, these include electric scooters. PMVs are vehicles with one or more wheels designed for a single user, powered exclusively by electric motors, and capable of reaching speeds between 6 and 25 km/h. Each municipality can regulate PMV use, such as electric scooters, specifically, though all users must comply with minimum conditions. Therefore, it is essential to be familiar with basic regulations before using such vehicles to ensure safe urban mobility. The prohibition of riding on sidewalks, pedestrian zones, and other restricted areas is a common rule. Authorized paths will be indicated by municipal ordinances. In the absence of such ordinances, riding on any urban roadway is allowed. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, PMV speeds must range between 6 and 25 km/h. It is essential to know and adhere to these regulations to promote safe mobility in accordance with established rules. Thanks to these measures, we have seen a reduction in fatalities over the past three years, compared to 2020, when eight deaths were recorded involving PMVs—seven in urban areas and one in interurban areas where their use is prohibited. According to the Spanish Directorate-General for Traffic (DGT), this figure is now one person in both urban and interurban areas. Technical Requirements for Vehicles The DGT has developed a Manual of Specifications for personal mobility vehicles. After its publication and a 24-month period, all PMVs must carry a circulation certificate to ensure minimum safety requirements. PMVs must be equipped with a braking system, an acoustic warning device (bell), and lights and reflective devices both front and rear. Furthermore, wearing a helmet is recommended, even if the municipal ordinance does not mandate it, and having liability insurance is advised. Complying with these guidelines significantly contributes to ensuring the safety of both users and pedestrians in urban environments. Additionally, regular maintenance of electric scooters and periodic checks of their components are crucial. Violations and Associated Penalties Failure to comply with these requirements or regulations may result in various consequences: Can You Enter a Hospital with a Scooter? In general, entering hospitals with scooters is allowed, but this may vary depending on the specific hospital. Some hospitals may have policies that prohibit or restrict the use of scooters within their facilities. Above all, common sense is essential. Scooter users are encouraged to be considerate and respectful of patients and hospital staff. It is important to avoid using scooters in crowded areas or places where they could pose risks or disruptions. Users may be asked to park their scooters in designated areas. If the hospital has specific policies regarding scooter use, each user must adhere to these rules. Policies may include leaving the scooter in a locker before entering the hospital or parking it in designated spaces. This trend is becoming increasingly common in cities. For example, Solum provides sustainable, secure, and convenient charging solutions. Parking for PMVs at Hospitals The use of electric scooters is transforming how people navigate cities. With the increasing number of PMV users, more facilities are being built to accommodate these vehicles, encouraging those who opt for this sustainable mode of transportation. Many institutions, both public and private, are adapting their facilities to accommodate electric scooters and other PMVs. As a result, parking for PMVs is now common in shopping centers, workplaces, and other venues. Solum: A Solution for Parking Scooters at Medical Centers To promote sustainable mobility, Solum is a Spanish tech company created with the goal of maximizing available urban space to generate renewable energy. As the use of electric scooters has grown, so has the need for safe and convenient parking options. Solum addresses this need with its PMV parking facilities, where users can park and charge their scooters using solar-powered flooring. Currently, Solum has implemented several notable projects in Spain and beyond, including charging solutions at shopping malls, universities, and potentially, in the near future, hospitals. More hospitals and medical centers are adapting to this new reality, aiming to facilitate mobility and encourage electric scooter use—whether for patients or even hospital staff. Advantages Offered by Solum Cities are transforming, PMVs are the future, and the future is already here. If you want to learn more about us, visit our website or check out our blog, where we discuss the latest developments in sustainable mobility.

Distinzioni tra i punti di caricatore solare e gli armadietti per monopattini elettrici

patinetes eléctricos

Hai mai pensato a quale differenza esista quando ricarichi il tuo monopattino in un punto di ricarica solare e quando lo fai in armadietti per monopattini elettrici? Continua a leggere questo post e ti spiegheremo quali sono le loro differenze. Come funziona un caricatore solare per monopattini? Come suggerisce il suo stesso nome, il caricatore solare utilizza e sfrutta la luce solare per generare energia elettrica. La luce del sole è catturata da pannelli solari che caricano i monopattini in modo semplice ed efficace. Cosa succede con la sovraccarica? La tensione e la corrente sono controllate da un regolatore di carica prima di essere trasferite al monopattino. Queste lastre si trovano nelle stazioni di ricarica Helios, sviluppate da Solum. È un modo per ricaricare il tuo monopattino in modo completamente sostenibile, serve per il parcheggio e la ricarica. Attraverso il nostro pavimento Arena, che è un pavimento con celle fotovoltaiche integrate nelle piastrelle in grado di generare energia solare. Questo pavimento è percorribile per i pedoni, antiscivolo e con proprietà. Quali sono i vantaggi che ci offre un caricatore solare per monopattini? Ecco alcuni dei vantaggi dell’energia solare e dell’uso dei caricabatterie solari: Come funzionano gli armadietti per monopattini elettrici? Le armadiette per monopattini elettrici sono un sistema di parcheggio per monopattini in uno spazio chiuso, come suggerisce il nome stesso. Hanno la stessa funzione di un parcheggio per monopattini elettrici, ma la differenza è che quest’ultimo è parzialmente aperto. Il vantaggio di queste armadiette può essere la sicurezza che forniscono, poiché utilizzano un sistema con password e all’interno, oltre al monopattino piegato, puoi lasciare altri oggetti e persino caricare il telefono cellulare. Casse per monopattini vs Parcheggio per monopattini Ambos son una zona para su estacionamiento y carga segura. La mayor ventaja de ambos es la seguridad que proporciona, por el hecho de que las taquillas y los parkings que proporcionamos en Solum te garantizamos tu candado inteligente para evitar sustracciones del patinete.  Le casse per monopattini elettrici funzionano tramite app, così come i parcheggi per monopattini di Solum, dove tramite la nostra app puoi gestire il tuo parcheggio, consultare le stazioni in città, verificare la disponibilità di posti e persino prenotare il tuo posto. In questo modo, ti assicuri di poter parcheggiare il tuo monopattino in un luogo sicuro. Lo svantaggio comune nelle casse per monopattini elettrici è che utilizzano un sistema di ricarica elettrica anziché sfruttare l’energia solare, la quale presenta numerose svantaggi come abbiamo menzionato all’inizio del nostro post. Da Solum abbiamo sviluppato la stazione solare Helios per facilitare la mobilità e la ricarica sostenibile, installata in vari punti della città, nei centri commerciali e persino in diverse città europee. Offre tutte le comodità delle casse per monopattini elettrici, con l’aggiunta di sostenibilità grazie alla sua modalità di ricarica solare. Se desideri saperne di più sulle soluzioni di ricarica sostenibile, se ti piace informarti e leggere articoli sulle novità riguardanti monopattini elettrici, biciclette elettriche, consigli per il risparmio energetico, questo è il tuo blog. Ti invitiamo a iscriverti per non perdere nessuna notizia su argomenti di attualità o suggerimenti per uno stile di vita più sostenibile.

Différences entre les points de recharge solaire et les casiers pour trottinettes électriques

patinetes eléctricos

Tu t’es déjà demandé quelle différence il y a quand tu charges ta trottinette à un points de recharge solaire et quand tu le fais dans des casiers pour trottinettes électriques? Continue à lire ce post et on t’explique quelles sont leurs différences. Comment fonctionne un chargeur solaire pour trottinettes? Comme son nom l’indique, le chargeur solaire utilise et exploite la lumière du soleil pour générer de l’énergie électrique. La lumière du soleil est captée par des panneaux solaires qui chargent les trottinettes de manière simple et efficace. Qu’en est-il de la surcharge ? La tension et le courant sont contrôlés par un régulateur de charge avant d’être transférés à la trottinette. Ces plaques se trouvent sur les stations de charge, Helios, développées par Solum. C’est une manière de charger votre trottinette de manière 100 % durable, utilisée pour le stationnement et la recharge. Grâce à notre sol Arena, qui est un sol avec des cellules photovoltaïques intégrées dans des carreaux capables de générer de l’énergie solaire. Ce sol est praticable pour les piétons, antidérapant et possède des propriétés régénératives en cas de dommages superficiels. Quels sont les avantages fournis par un chargeur solaire pour trottinettes? Voici quelques-uns des avantages de l’énergie solaire et de l’utilisation des chargeurs solaires : Comment fonctionnent les casiers pour trottinettes électriques? Les casiers pour trottinettes électriques sont un système de stationnement pour trottinettes dans un espace fermé, comme leur nom l’indique. Ils ont la même fonction qu’un parking pour trottinettes électriques, mais la différence réside dans le fait que ce dernier est partiellement ouvert. L’avantage de ces casiers réside dans la sécurité qu’ils offrent, car ils utilisent un système avec mot de passe, et à l’intérieur, en plus de la trottinette pliée, vous pouvez laisser d’autres objets et même charger votre téléphone portable. Casiers pour trottinettes vs Parking pour trottinettes Les deux sont des zones pour le stationnement et la charge sécurisés. Le principal avantage des deux réside dans la sécurité qu’ils offrent, car les casiers et les parkings que nous fournissons chez Solum sont équipés d’un cadenas intelligent pour éviter le vol de la trottinette. Les casiers pour trottinettes électriques fonctionnent via des applications, tout comme les parkings pour trottinettes de Solum, où depuis notre application, vous pouvez gérer votre stationnement, consulter les stations disponibles en ville, vérifier les places libres, et même réserver votre emplacement. De cette manière, vous vous assurez de pouvoir laisser votre trottinette à un endroit spécifique. L’inconvénient courant des casiers pour trottinettes électriques est qu’ils utilisent le système de charge électrique et n’exploitent pas la charge solaire, qui présente de nombreuses inconvénients, comme nous l’avons mentionné précédemment au début de notre publication. Chez Solum, nous avons développé la station solaire Helios pour faciliter une mobilité et une charge durables. Ces stations sont disponibles dans divers endroits de la ville, dans les centres commerciaux et même dans différentes villes d’Europe. Elles offrent toutes les commodités fournies par les casiers pour trottinettes électriques, avec un avantage supplémentaire en termes de durabilité grâce à leur système de charge solaire. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les solutions de charge durables, que vous aimez vous informer et lire des articles sur les actualités des trottinettes électriques, des vélos électriques, et des conseils d’économie d’énergie, c’est votre blog. Nous vous invitons à vous abonner pour ne manquer aucune actualité sur les sujets d’actualité ou les astuces pour une vie plus durable.

Differences between solar charging station and lockers for electric scooters

patinetes eléctricos

Have you ever wondered what the difference is when you charge your electric scooter at a solar charging point versus using lockers for electric scooters? Continue reading this post, and we’ll explain their differences. How does a solar charger for scooters work? As its name suggests, the solar charger uses and harnesses sunlight to generate electrical energy. Sunlight is captured by solar panels that charge scooters in a simple and efficient manner. What about overcharging? The voltage and current are controlled by a charge controller before being transferred to the scooter. These panels are located in the charging stations, Helios, developed by Solum. It is a 100% sustainable way to charge your scooter, serving both as a parking and recharging facility. Through our Arena floor, which is a floor with integrated photovoltaic cells in tiles capable of generating solar energy. This floor is walkable for pedestrians, slip-resistant, and with properties. What are the advantages provided by a solar scooter charger? These are some of the advantages of solar energy and the use of solar chargers: How do lockers for electric scooters work? The lockers for electric scooters are a parking system for scooters in an enclosed space, as the name suggests. They serve the same purpose as a parking facility for electric scooters, but the difference is that the latter is partially open. The advantage of these lockers can be the security they provide, as they use a password-protected system. Inside, besides the folded scooter, you can leave other items and even charge your mobile phone. Scooter Lockers vs. Scooter Parking Both are areas for secure parking and charging. The primary advantage of both is the security they provide, as the lockers and parking facilities we offer at Solum come with smart locks to prevent scooter theft. Scooter lockers operate through applications, just like the scooter parking facilities provided by Solum. Through our app, you can manage your parking, check available stations around the city, see open spaces, and even reserve your spot. This way, you ensure that you’ll have a designated place to leave your scooter. The drawback commonly found in electric scooter lockers is that they rely on electric charging systems and do not utilize solar charging, which has numerous disadvantages as mentioned earlier in our post. At Solum, we have developed the Helios solar station to promote sustainable mobility and charging. These stations are available at various locations throughout the city, in shopping centers, and even across different cities in Europe. They offer all the conveniences provided by electric scooter lockers with an added sustainability feature, thanks to their solar charging capability. If you want to learn more about sustainable charging solutions, enjoy staying informed, and reading posts about electric scooters, electric bikes, energy-saving tips, this is your blog. We invite you to subscribe to not miss any news on current topics or tips for a more sustainable life.

L’innovazione e lo sviluppo hanno cambiato la costruzione sostenibile

construccion sostenible

Negli ultimi anni, la costruzione sostenibile è diventata una tendenza sempre più popolare nell’industria delle costruzioni. Ma cosa si intende per costruzione sostenibile e come è evoluta con l’innovazione e lo sviluppo? Cosa significa costruzione sostenibile? La costruzione sostenibile si riferisce a un modo di costruire che tiene conto dell’impatto ambientale, sociale ed economico a lungo termine. Ciò significa che non si considera solo l’efficienza energetica dell’edificio, ma anche l’uso responsabile delle risorse naturali, la qualità della vita delle persone che lo abitano e la riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra. La costruzione sostenibile implementa tecnologie e materiali più efficienti e rispettosi dell’ambiente, oltre a pratiche di progettazione e costruzione innovative. L’obiettivo finale della costruzione sostenibile è creare edifici e comunità più salubri, sicuri e sostenibili nel lungo termine. Innovazione e nuove tecnologie per la costruzione sostenibile L’innovazione e le nuove tecnologie hanno permesso progressi significativi nella costruzione sostenibile. Ecco alcune delle innovazioni che si stanno attuando nel campo della costruzione: -Pannelli solari integrati I pannelli solari fotovoltaici sono diventati più efficienti ed accessibili, consentendo la loro integrazione negli edifici. Ora è possibile installare pannelli solari su tetti, facciate e finestre, massimizzando la generazione di energia rinnovabile e riducendo la dipendenza da fonti di energia non rinnovabile. -Pavimento fotovoltaico o suolo solare Una delle innovazioni più significative in questo settore è il pavimento fotovoltaico o suolo solare. Questo tipo di pavimento è in grado di generare energia elettrica dalla luce solare che riceve, trasformando le aree urbane in spazi di produzione di energia rinnovabile In Solum abbiamo progettato e sviluppato questo tipo di pavimento, in grado di generare energia elettrica dalla luce solare che riceve, trasformandolo in una fonte di energia rinnovabile nelle zone urbane. In questo modo, le aree urbane vengono trasformate in spazi di produzione di energia pulita e rinnovabile. -Materiali da costruzione sostenibili e eco-friendly Si stanno sviluppando nuovi materiali da costruzione sostenibili che hanno un minor impatto ambientale. Ad esempio, vengono utilizzati calcestruzzi e cementi con una minor percentuale di carbonio e materiali riciclati come plastica o vetro. Utilizzo di materiali rinnovabili come legno certificato, lana di pecora, canapa, tra gli altri. Questi materiali hanno una minore impronta di carbonio, rendendoli più sostenibili nel lungo termine. -Sistemi di gestione intelligenti L’implementazione di sistemi intelligenti negli edifici consente un controllo più efficiente delle risorse. Questi sistemi gestiscono l’illuminazione, il riscaldamento e altri elementi per ottimizzare il consumo di energia e ridurre gli sprechi. – Tecnología de construcción modular La costruzione modulare si basa sulla fabbricazione di componenti prefabbricati in fabbriche e il loro successivo assemblaggio sul sito di costruzione. Questa tecnica riduce i rifiuti di costruzione, abbrevia i tempi e migliora l’efficienza energetica degli edifici. -Sensori e monitoraggio in tempo reale I sensori incorporati negli edifici consentono di raccogliere dati in tempo reale sul consumo di energia, la qualità dell’aria, l’uso dell’acqua, tra gli altri. Ciò facilita l’identificazione delle aree di miglioramento e la presa di decisioni basata sui dati per massimizzare la sostenibilità. -Tecnologia dell’efficienza energetica Si stanno sviluppando sistemi più efficienti per la generazione, la distribuzione e l’utilizzo dell’energia negli edifici. Questo include sistemi di illuminazione a LED, sistemi di climatizzazione a basso consumo energetico e sistemi di gestione energetica che ottimizzano l’uso delle risorse disponibili. Queste innovazioni e tecnologie stanno trasformando l’industria della costruzione sostenibile, consentendo la creazione di edifici più sostenibili ed efficienti dal punto di vista energetico. Con lo sviluppo e l’adozione continuo di queste soluzioni, si prevede che la costruzione sostenibile diventi lo standard dell’industria, promuovendo un futuro più rispettoso dell’ambiente e migliorando la qualità della vita delle persone. L’innovazione e le nuove tecnologie stanno trasformando il modo in cui vengono costruiti gli edifici e le città. Il pavimento fotovoltaico o suolo solare di Solum è un chiaro esempio di come la tecnologia possa essere utilizzata per creare soluzioni sostenibili e innovative che promuovano un futuro più abitabile e rispettoso dell’ambiente Certificati di costruzione sostenibile La costruzione sostenibile è anche promossa dall’adozione di certificati come LEED e BREEAM. Questi certificati valutano l’impatto ambientale e sociale degli edifici e promuovono l’implementazione di pratiche sostenibili nella loro costruzione e gestione. LEED e BREEAM sono due dei certificati di costruzione sostenibile più riconosciuti a livello mondiale:” – LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) LEED è un sistema di classificazione sviluppato dal Consiglio per la Costruzione Verde degli Stati Uniti (USGBC, acronimo di U.S. Green Building Council) che valuta l’impatto ambientale degli edifici. La certificazione LEED valuta vari aspetti, tra cui l’efficienza energetica, la gestione dei rifiuti, la qualità dell’aria interna e la selezione di materiali sostenibili, tra gli altri. – BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) È una certificazione di origine britannica che si concentra anche sulla valutazione dell’impatto ambientale e sociale degli edifici. Oltre all’efficienza energetica e alla selezione di materiali sostenibili, BREEAM valuta anche aspetti come l’accessibilità, la sicurezza e la salute degli utenti dell’edificio. Entrambe le certificazioni cercano di promuovere le buone pratiche nella costruzione sostenibile e nell’operazione degli edifici, e ognuna ha i propri requisiti e livelli di certificazione. L’adozione di queste certificazioni è sempre più diffusa in tutto il mondo e sono considerate uno standard di eccellenza nella costruzione sostenibile. Da anni, presso Solum, siamo consapevoli dell’importanza della sostenibilità e della necessità di ridurre l’impatto ambientale. Con il nostro pavimento solare, facciamo uso di energie rinnovabili, contribuendo così a ridurre gradualmente la nostra dipendenza dai combustibili fossili. La costruzione sostenibile è un approccio che va oltre la semplice efficienza energetica e si concentra sulla creazione di edifici e comunità sostenibili a lungo termine. Con l’innovazione e le nuove tecnologie, presso Solum, promuoviamo un futuro più sostenibile e abitabile.

L’innovation et le développement ont transformé la construction durable

construccion sostenible

Ces dernières années, la construction durable est devenue une tendance de plus en plus populaire dans l’industrie du bâtiment. Mais qu’est-ce que la construction durable et comment a-t-elle évolué avec l’innovation et le développement ? Qu’est-ce que la construction durable? La construction durable fait référence à une manière de construire qui prend en compte l’impact environnemental, social et économique à long terme. Cela signifie qu’on ne considère pas seulement l’efficacité énergétique du bâtiment, mais aussi l’utilisation responsable des ressources naturelles, la qualité de vie des personnes qui l’habitent et la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre La construction durable met en œuvre des technologies et des matériaux plus efficaces et respectueux de l’environnement, ainsi que des pratiques de conception et de construction innovantes. L’objectif ultime de la construction durable est de créer des bâtiments et des communautés qui sont plus sains, plus sûrs et plus durables à long terme. Innovation et nouvelles technologies pour la construction durable L’innovation et les nouvelles technologies ont permis des avancées significatives dans la construction durable. Voici quelques-unes des innovations en cours dans le domaine de la construction : -Pavement photovoltaïque intégrés Les Pavement photovoltaïque sont devenus plus efficaces et accessibles, ce qui a permis leur intégration dans les bâtiments. Il est désormais possible d’installer des pavement photovoltaïque sur les toits, les façades et les fenêtres, maximisant ainsi la production d’énergie renouvelable et réduisant la dépendance aux sources d’énergie non renouvelables. -Pavement photovoltaïques ou sol solaire L’une des innovations les plus remarquables dans ce domaine est le pavement photovoltaïque ou sol solaire. Ce type de revêtement est capable de générer de l’électricité à partir de la lumière solaire qu’il reçoit, transformant les zones urbaines en espaces de production d’énergie renouvelable. Chez Solum, nous avons conçu et développé ce type de sol, capable de produire de l’électricité à partir de la lumière solaire qu’il reçoit, en faisant ainsi une source d’énergie renouvelable dans les zones urbaines. De cette manière, les zones urbaines sont transformées en espaces de production d’énergie propre et renouvelable. -Matériaux de construction durables et respectueux de l’environnemen On développe de nouveaux matériaux de construction durables qui ont un impact environnemental moindre. Par exemple, on utilise des bétons et des ciments à faible teneur en carbone, ainsi que des matériaux recyclés tels que le plastique ou le verre. Utilisation de matériaux renouvelables tels que le bois certifié, la laine de mouton, le chanvre, entre autres. Ces matériaux ont une empreinte carbone plus faible, les rendant ainsi plus durables à long terme. -Systèmes de gestion intelligents L’implémentation de systèmes intelligents dans les bâtiments permet un contrôle plus efficace des ressources. Ces systèmes gèrent l’éclairage, la climatisation et d’autres éléments pour optimiser la consommation d’énergie et réduire le gaspillage. -Technologie de construction modulaire La construction modulaire repose sur la fabrication de composants préfabriqués en usine, suivie de leur assemblage sur le site de construction. Cette technique réduit les déchets de construction, raccourcit les délais et améliore l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments. -Capteurs et surveillance en temps réel Les capteurs intégrés dans les bâtiments permettent de collecter des données en temps réel sur la consommation d’énergie, la qualité de l’air, l’utilisation de l’eau, entre autres. Cela facilite l’identification des domaines à améliorer et la prise de décisions basée sur des données pour maximiser la durabilité. -Technologie d’efficacité énergétique On développe des systèmes plus efficaces pour la génération, la distribution et l’utilisation de l’énergie dans les bâtiments. Cela inclut des systèmes d’éclairage LED, des systèmes de climatisation à faible consommation d’énergie, et des systèmes de gestion de l’énergie qui optimisent l’utilisation des ressources disponibles. Ces innovations et technologies transforment l’industrie de la construction durable, permettant la création de bâtiments plus durables et écoénergétiques. Avec le développement continu et l’adoption de ces solutions, on s’attend à ce que la construction durable devienne la norme dans l’industrie, favorisant un avenir plus respectueux de l’environnement et améliorant la qualité de vie des personnes. L’innovation et les nouvelles technologies transforment la manière dont les bâtiments et les villes sont construits. Le pavement photovoltaïque ou sol solaire de Solum est un exemple clair de la manière dont la technologie peut être utilisée pour créer des solutions durables et innovantes, favorisant un avenir plus habitable et respectueux de l’environnement. Certificats de construction durable La construction durable est également encouragée par l’adoption de certifications telles que LEED et BREEAM. Ces certificats évaluent l’impact environnemental et social des bâtiments et favorisent la mise en œuvre de pratiques durables dans leur construction et leur exploitation. LEED et BREEAM sont deux des certifications de construction durable les plus reconnues à l’échelle mondiale : – LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) C’est un système de classification développé par le Conseil du bâtiment vert des États-Unis (USGBC, pour ses initiales en anglais) qui évalue l’impact environnemental des bâtiments. La certification LEED évalue divers aspects tels que l’efficacité énergétique, la gestion des déchets, la qualité de l’air intérieur et la sélection de matériaux durables, entre autres. – BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) C’est un certificat d’origine britannique qui se concentre également sur l’évaluation de l’impact environnemental et social des bâtiments. En plus de l’efficacité énergétique et de la sélection de matériaux durables, BREEAM évalue également des aspects tels que l’accessibilité, la sécurité et la santé des utilisateurs du bâtiment. Ambes certifications cherchent à promouvoir de bonnes pratiques dans la construction durable et l’exploitation des bâtiments, et chacune a ses propres exigences et niveaux de certification. L’adoption de ces certifications est de plus en plus répandue dans le monde entier et elles sont considérées comme une norme d’excellence dans la construction durable. Depuis plusieurs années, chez Solum, nous sommes conscients de l’importance de la durabilité et de la nécessité de réduire l’impact environnemental. Avec notre pavement photovoltaïque, nous utilisons des énergies renouvelables, contribuant ainsi à réduire progressivement notre dépendance aux combustibles fossiles. La construction durable est une approche qui va au-delà de la simple efficacité énergétique et se concentre sur la création de bâtiments et de

Innovation and development have changed sustainable construction

construccion sostenible

In recent years, sustainable construction has become an increasingly popular trend in the construction industry. But what is sustainable construction, and how has it evolved with innovation and development? What is sustainable construction? Sustainable construction refers to a way of building that takes into account the long-term environmental, social, and economic impact. This means not only considering the energy efficiency of the building but also the responsible use of natural resources, the quality of life for its occupants, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable construction implements technologies and materials that are more efficient and environmentally friendly, as well as innovative design and construction practices. The ultimate goal of sustainable construction is to create buildings and communities that are healthier, safer, and more sustainable in the long term. Innovation and new technologies for sustainable construction Innovation and new technologies have enabled significant advances in sustainable construction. Here are some of the innovations taking place in the field of construction: – Integrated solar panels Photovoltaic solar panels have become more efficient and accessible, allowing for their integration into buildings. It is now possible to install solar panels on roofs, facades, and windows, maximizing the generation of renewable energy and reducing dependence on non-renewable energy sources. – Photovoltaic pavement or solar flooring One of the most notable innovations in this field is photovoltaic pavement or solar flooring. This type of pavement can generate electrical energy from the sunlight it receives, transforming urban areas into spaces for renewable energy production. In Solum, we have designed and developed this type of flooring, which is capable of generating electrical energy from the sunlight it receives, making it a source of renewable energy in urban areas. In this way, urban areas are transformed into spaces for clean and renewable energy production. – Eco-friendly sustainable construction materials New sustainable construction materials are being developed with a lower environmental impact. For instance, concretes and cements with reduced carbon content are being used, along with recycled materials such as plastic or glass. The use of renewable materials such as certified wood, sheep’s wool, hemp, among others, has a lower carbon footprint, making them more sustainable in the long term -Intelligent management systems The implementation of intelligent systems in buildings allows for more efficient control of resources. These systems regulate lighting, climate control, and other elements to optimize energy consumption and reduce waste. -Modular construction technology Modular construction is based on the manufacturing of prefabricated components in factories, which are then assembled on the construction site. This technique reduces construction waste, shortens timelines, and improves the energy efficiency of buildings. -Sensors and real-time monitoring Sensors integrated into buildings allow real-time data collection on energy consumption, air quality, water usage, among other factors. This facilitates the identification of areas for improvement and data-driven decision-making to maximize sustainability. -Energy efficiency technology More efficient systems are being developed for the generation, distribution, and utilization of energy in buildings. This includes LED lighting systems, low-energy consumption HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems, and energy management systems that optimize the use of available resources. These innovations and technologies are transforming the sustainable construction industry, enabling the creation of more sustainable and energy-efficient buildings. With the ongoing development and adoption of these solutions, sustainable construction is expected to become the standard in the industry, promoting a more environmentally friendly future and improving the quality of life for people. Innovation and new technologies are transforming the way buildings and cities are constructed. Solum‘s photovoltaic pavement or solar flooring is a clear example of how technology can be used to create sustainable and innovative solutions that promote a more livable and environmentally friendly future. Certifications for Sustainable Construction Sustainable construction is also driven by the adoption of certifications such as LEED and BREEAM. These certifications assess the environmental and social impact of buildings and promote the implementation of sustainable practices in their construction and operation. LEED and BREEAM are two of the most globally recognized certifications for sustainable construction: – LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) It is a rating system developed by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) that assesses the environmental impact of buildings. The LEED certification evaluates various aspects such as energy efficiency, waste management, indoor air quality, and the selection of sustainable materials, among others. – BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) It is a British-origin certification that also focuses on assessing the environmental and social impact of buildings. In addition to energy efficiency and the selection of sustainable materials, BREEAM also evaluates aspects such as accessibility, safety, and the health of building users. Both certifications aim to promote best practices in sustainable construction and building operation, each with its own requirements and levels of certification. The adoption of these certifications is increasingly widespread worldwide and is considered a standard of excellence in sustainable construction. From Solum, we have been committed for years to the importance of sustainability and the need to reduce environmental impact. With our pavement photovoltaic , we harness renewable energy, gradually reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. Sustainable construction is an approach that goes beyond simple energy efficiency and focuses on creating long-term sustainable buildings and