Is it possible to enter the hospital on a scooter?

¿Se puede entrar con patinete al hospital?

Today we are going to answer a frequently asked question: is it possible to enter the hospital on a scooter?

The use of electric scooters is becoming more and more widespread in society. They are comfortable, agile, they avoid traffic jams and the dreaded moment of finding a parking space, but, despite the fact that they are booming, there are still many unknowns regarding their correct use.

At Solum, we pride ourselves not only on pioneering the development of sustainable technologies, but also on providing answers to the questions that arise around urban and mobility issues. Since our founding in 2019, we have been committed to creating innovative solutions to make cities more efficient and sustainable.

Standards and Regulations

Firstly, the review of local regulations in public spaces and the analysis of hospital policies on the entry of scooters are essential to understand and improve mobility in urban and health care settings.

Personal Mobility Vehicles

Also known as VMPs, including electric scooters, these are single or multi-wheeled vehicles with a single seat and powered exclusively by electric motors with a maximum design speed of between 6 and 25 km/h.

Each municipality can regulate the circulation of MPVs, such as electric scooters, in a specific way, although all users must comply with minimum conditions. It is therefore essential to be aware of the basic regulations before using this type of vehicle to ensure safe urban travel.

La prohibición de circular por aceras, zonas peatonales, entre otras áreas, es una norma común, las vías autorizadas estarán indicadas por ordenanzas municipales, y en ausencia de estas, se permite la circulación en cualquier calzada urbana. Además, como hemos mencionado anteriormente, la velocidad de los VMP debe estar comprendida entre 6 y 25 km/h.

It is essential to know and respect these regulations to promote safe mobility and in accordance with the established rules, since, thanks to this, we have managed to reduce in 3 years the figures of 2020, when eight deaths were recorded in VMP, seven in urban areas and one in interurban roads, where its use is prohibited. Now, according to the DGT, this figure is 1 person on both urban and interurban roads.

Use of electric skates

Technical requirements of the vehicle

The Dirección General de Tráfico, or DGT, has elaborated a Manual of Characteristics for Personal Mobility Vehicles (PMVs). After its publication and after 24 months, all PMVs must have a roadworthiness certificate to ensure minimum safety requirements.

It is imperative that VMPs have a braking system, an acoustic warning device (bell) and lights and reflective devices at the front and rear. In addition, the use of helmets is advised, even if the municipal ordinance does not make it compulsory, and liability insurance is recommended.

Complying with these guidelines contributes significantly to ensuring the safety of both users and pedestrians in the urban environment. On the other hand, the maintenance of the electric scooter and its regular checking of all its elements.

Infringements and associated penalties

Failure to comply with any of these requirements or regulations can have a number of consequences:

  • Conducir en patinete eléctrico bajo los efectos del alcohol y otras drogas puede acarrear una multa entre 500 y 1.000 € en función de la tasa de alcohol, sí se trata de drogas en cualquier caso será de 1.000 €. En caso de dar positivo, además, el vehículo quedará inmovilizado, tal y como ocurre con el resto de vehículos.
  • For using a mobile phone while driving a scooter or any other communication device, the fine is €200.
  • For those wearing headphones, driving at night without lighting or reflective clothing, or not wearing a helmet, if the municipal ordinance makes this measure compulsory, the fine will be €200.

Is it possible to enter the hospital on a scooter?

In general, scooters are allowed in hospitals, but this may vary depending on the particular hospital. Some hospitals may have specific policies prohibiting or limiting the use of scooters within their facilities.

First and foremost, we need to use common sense, therefore, it is recommended that scooter users be considerate and respectful of patients and hospital staff. It is important to avoid using scooters in crowded areas or where they may cause disruption or danger to others. Scooter users may be asked to move to a specific area to park their scooters.

If the hospital has a specific policy on the use of scooters, each user will have to abide by these rules. The rules could be such as leaving the scooter in the locker before entering the hospital or parking our vehicle in the car parks that are enabled for it. The latter is something that is becoming more and more widespread in our cities. This is the case of Solum, which offers sustainable, safe and comfortable charging solutions.

entrance electric scooter hospital

VMP parking spaces at the hospital

The use of electric scooters is transforming the way people move around our cities. Due to the increase in the number of users of PMVs (personal mobility vehicles), more and more facilities are being built to park these vehicles, thus giving a boost to those people who choose to use this type of sustainable mobility.

Many institutions, both public and private, are considering adapting their facilities to accommodate electric scooters and other personal mobility vehicles in view of the rise of this new form of mobility, so it is becoming increasingly common to find VMP car parks in many shopping centres, workplaces, etc.


Solum: solution for parking your scooter in medical centres

With the aim of promoting sustainable mobility, Solum is a Spanish technology company that emerged from the idea of taking advantage of the maximum available space in cities to generate renewable energy.

As the use of electric scooters has become increasingly popular, so has the need for safe and convenient places to park them, which is what Solum offers us with its VMP facilities, where you can park your electric scooter, and in turn recharge it, thanks to its solar floor.

Currently, we can talk about several outstanding projects, both in Spain and outside our country, where we can find charging solutions in shopping centres, universities, and why not in the near future in hospitals? There are more and more hospitals and medical centres adapting to this new reality, the aim behind all this is to facilitate travel and continue to accommodate the use of electric scooters, either for people who for some reason have to go to the hospital or even for the workers themselves.

parking scooter hospital

Advantages offered by Solum

  1. Autonomous: thanks to the fact that it does not require a connection to the electricity grid or any other external support thanks to the Arena solar floor and the batteries inside it.
  1. Sustainable: it generates its own energy thanks to the Arena solar floor, which is installed around it.
  1. Secure: one of the most outstanding advantages, due to the fact that it has an anti-theft and intelligent padlock, which locks the vehicle by means of a stainless steel rod, which provides great security to the user.
  1. Plug&Play: this means that it is easy to install, it can be installed and used in just one day.
  1. Multi-vehicle: both scooters and electric bicycles can be parked at the same station.
  1. Smart: through the App and the miSolum platform, the customer can monitor and control all the station’s functionalities.

Cities are transforming, VMPs are the future and the future is already here. If you want to know more about us, don’t hesitate to visit our website or take a look at our blog where we talk about the latest news on sustainable mobility.
