lagoh Sevilla

10 reasons to install an electric scooter parking lot in your shopping center.

Currently, the use of electric scooters has expanded throughout the country, becoming one of the most commonly used modes of transportation, especially for convenient city travel. That’s why it wouldn’t be crazy to install an electric scooter parking in your mall.


Reasons to install an electric scooter parking

Next, we will name and explain some of the main reasons why you should install an electric scooter parking in your mall or leisure complex.

1. Supports mobility

The electric scooter seems like an ideal solution to promote sustainable mobility.

Improving the experience of people who visit and shop at your mall should be a priority. As mentioned earlier, the use of transportation like electric scooters is on the rise in Spain. Therefore, it would be a good idea to differentiate yourself from other mall by installing a parking area specifically designed for this type of transport. This space would not only securely store the scooter but also provide free recharging while customers enjoy their shopping experience.

2. Enhances coexistence.

It is quite common for issues to arise between customers moving through the mall peacefully and electric scooter users. Drawing a conclusion from all this, it is not allowed to ride scooters in the shopping center.


To prevent issues such as collisions, many shopping centers have designated areas for parking electric scooters.

3. Reduces CO2 emissions.

Today, environmental protection has become one of the main concerns of citizens. With these parking spaces, we are helping to improve CO2 levels on the planet. In addition, governmental institutions are promoting and supporting measures to encourage environmental commitment from businesses.

4. Creates clean spaces.

Many times, electric scooters are found parked in areas that hinder customer traffic and, moreover, aesthetically clutter the environment.

To establish good mobility within the mall, it is necessary to install electric scooter parking zones where they can be more organized, contributing to a cleaner aesthetic environment.

5. It will serve as a reference

The installation of these parking spaces will position the shopping center as a benchmark and encourage other mall to adopt similar changes, as well as other companies in different sectors.

6. Corporate Social Responsibility within the Company

The commitment to reduce the carbon footprint through the installation of electric scooter parking has led marketing executives to incorporate sustainability and environmental policies, promoting the use of personal mobility vehicles and sustainable transportation.

Electric scooter

7. Modernize your shopping mall

By implementing these types of electric scooter parking spaces, it will be evident that your shopping mall is up-to-date and responsive to the new trends and needs of customers.

8. Creates a safe environment

If electric scooters have a secure parking area, customers will associate your shopping center as a safe place to shop without worrying about the scooter’s safety. This will enhance the center’s reputation.

9. Easy to use

These electric scooter parking spaces are very easy to use, so there are likely to be no complications when customers use them.

10. All from your mobile

You can use the mobile app to manage everything related to scooter parking, making it very convenient to use.

scooters on campus

Get to know the solar recharge station

At Solum, we offer a solution to any issues that may have arisen regarding the improper parking of electric scooters, Helios.

It is a parking and charging area for this type of personal mobility transport, where 6 to 16 vehicles can be parked.

Features of our solar station

Autonomous: Thanks to the solar pavement Arena and the built-in batteries, it does not require external support or connection to the electrical grid.

Sustainable: As it generates its own energy using the solar floor Arena.

Secure: It features an anti-theft smart lock that protects the vehicle. Additionally, the scooter is secured with a 20 mm diameter stainless steel shaft.

Plug&Play: The device will be installed in just one day, thanks to the fact that it is completely autonomous from the mains.

Multi-vehicle: This device can also be used with electric bicycles, so you will save money by not having to install two specific parking spaces for each vehicle.

Smart: The customer will be able to control all the functionalities of the station by downloading the miSolum application.

Shopping mall that have placed their trust in Solum

These are some of the leisure complexes that have benefited from our parking and charging solutions for scooters. If you want to know more about our outstanding projects you can click here.

Lagoh Shopping Centre

The Lagoh shopping and leisure centre in Palmas Altas has a wide range of shops, bars, restaurants and family entertainment. With more than 100,000 square metres of floor space, Lagoh is the largest shopping and leisure area in Seville and its province.

It is one of the reference centres in the province, with large parking areas and road connectivity.

They have relied on Solum’s project to improve the centre’s communication, increase the number of visitors and adapt to new models of sustainable mobility.

photvoltaic panel lagoh sevilla shopping centre

Vialia Shopping Centre

Parking for electric scooters

The Vialia de Vigo Shopping Centre is a shopping and leisure complex located in Vigo. It is located in the Vigo-Urzáiz Station and forms part of the large stations of the Adif Vialia network, which means that a large part of the site is used for commercial purposes. This centre is looking for a “revolution of leisure and commerce” right in the centre of Vigo, which is why it has relied on our Helios II product, to adapt to the needs of the people of Vigo and increase the number of visits to its facilities.

Now you know the reasons why it is highly recommended to install a parking for electric scooters in your shopping centre. From Solum we invite you to visit other entries in our Blog and to contact us if you have any questions.
