L’innovazione e lo sviluppo hanno cambiato la costruzione sostenibile

construccion sostenible

Negli ultimi anni, la costruzione sostenibile è diventata una tendenza sempre più popolare nell’industria delle costruzioni. Ma cosa si intende per costruzione sostenibile e come è evoluta con l’innovazione e lo sviluppo? Cosa significa costruzione sostenibile? La costruzione sostenibile si riferisce a un modo di costruire che tiene conto dell’impatto ambientale, sociale ed economico a […]

L’innovation et le développement ont transformé la construction durable

construccion sostenible

Ces dernières années, la construction durable est devenue une tendance de plus en plus populaire dans l’industrie du bâtiment. Mais qu’est-ce que la construction durable et comment a-t-elle évolué avec l’innovation et le développement ? Qu’est-ce que la construction durable? La construction durable fait référence à une manière de construire qui prend en compte l’impact […]

Innovation and development have changed sustainable construction

construccion sostenible

In recent years, sustainable construction has become an increasingly popular trend in the construction industry. But what is sustainable construction, and how has it evolved with innovation and development? What is sustainable construction? Sustainable construction refers to a way of building that takes into account the long-term environmental, social, and economic impact. This means not […]

Come funziona un caricatore solare per monopattini?

cargador solar

¿Cómo funciona un cargador solar para patinetes? Un caricatore solare per monopattini funziona sfruttando l’energia prodotta dal sole per ricaricare la batteria del monopattino elettrico. Questo processo di ricarica è facile e pratico; inizia quando i pannelli solari catturano la luce solare e la trasformano in energia elettrica. La corrente e la tensione vengono regolate […]

Comment fonctionne un chargeur solaire pour trottinettes?

cargador solar

¿Cómo funciona un cargador solar para patinetes? Un chargeur solaire pour trottinettes fonctionne en exploitant l’énergie produite par le soleil pour charger la batterie de la trottinette électrique. Ce processus de charge est facile et pratique, il démarre lorsque les panneaux solaires capturent la lumière du soleil et la convertissent en énergie électrique. Le courant […]

How does a solar charger for scooters work?

cargador solar

¿Cómo funciona un cargador solar para patinetes? A solar charger for scooters operates by harnessing the energy produced by the sun to charge the electric scooter’s battery. This charging process is easy and practical, starting when the solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into electrical energy. The current and voltage are regulated by the […]

Parcheggio 100% elettrico. Il futuro dei parcheggi

Parking para Patinetes eléctricos

Parking Eléctrico | El Futuro de los Aparcamientos | Solum Il parcheggio elettrico: il futuro dei parcheggi Un parcheggio 100% elettrico è un’impianto di parcheggio dotato di una rete di caricabatterie ad alta potenza per veicoli elettrici e ibridi plug-in. Questi caricabatterie consentono di ricaricare la batteria del veicolo in breve tempo, risultando particolarmente utile […]

Stationnement 100% électrique : l’avenir des parkings

Parking para Patinetes eléctricos

Parking Eléctrico | El Futuro de los Aparcamientos | Solum L’avenir des parkings semble de plus en plus lié à la mobilité électrique. La demande croissante de véhicules électriques et hybrides rechargeables a conduit à la nécessité de développer l’émergence du parking électrique. À mesure que la technologie progresse et que la demande de véhicules […]

100% Electric Parking. The Future of Parking

Parking para Patinetes eléctricos

Parking Eléctrico | El Futuro de los Aparcamientos | Solum The future of parking seems to be increasingly linked to electric mobility. The growing demand for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles has led to the need for the development of electric parking solutions. As technology advances and the demand for electric vehicles continues to grow, […]

Solar rooftop. Discover how it works.

Solum en Amsterdam.

Suelo Solar. Descubre cómo funciona Fortunately, we are increasingly aware of the damage we have caused to the planet over the years. Nowadays, terms like ‘environmental impact,’ ‘renewable energy,’ and ‘green energy’ are as common as any other current issue. Renewable energies are in the spotlight, including solar rooftop. In the following lines, we will […]